

Our Sherry Casks are unique casks that provide exceptional ageing to the Brandy.

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Time capsules that transmit the essences of the Sherry wines they have contained, giving the Brandy a characteristic smoothness, roundness, and sweetness.

With time, the Brandy absorbs the best qualities of each wine due to the porosity of the wood and its ageing in Criaderas and Solera, resulting in products of the highest quality.

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Only thanks to the Sherry Casks do we achieve Brandies with a unique personality.

We hold the certification from the Regulatory Council of the Jerez Denomination of Origin, guaranteeing the unquestionable quality of our Sherry Casks.

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Our collection, one of the largest in the world.

We can proudly say that our winery was the first to be built in the Jerez region, in 1730. Nearly 300 years of history and tradition.

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There, we house the casks containing our finest Sherry wines, essential for producing the world’s best-selling Sherry, Harveys Bristol Cream. The perfect blend of four different types of wine.

We take care of the production process of our products from start to finish, from planting to bottling.

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The Sherry Casks, the cornerstone of our ageing process.

All our efforts, expertise, and the preservation of our exclusive casks have proven that time is on our side.

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Expert tasters have recognised the quality of our products over time, resulting in international awards.

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Best Winery of Wines
Fortified of the World 2019.